Read: Romans 7:1-8:1
Ro 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
Free. No condemnation!
Or do you feel like a failure? Like a fraud? Last week’s message from chapter 6 that sin no longer has power over us and that we live to serve Jesus as his slaves…. but I don’t feel like that! I struggle with sin. We know in our minds what we want to do - but we face a war within ourselves. I want to do good – but I do evil instead. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?
Isn’t that how we feel sometimes? Such a failure as a Christian. We don’t feel like we’re set free from sin. We don’t feel like slaves of God, but slaves of sin!
Today we’re hammered with the truth that the answer is NOT to try harder, or to find the hero within ourselves, or to abandon Christianity because “it’s just too hard”. The answer is in v25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. Ro 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
How does that follow? How can I be a slave to sin in my sinful nature and yet not be condemned?
And what’s this stuff about the mind? How can I want to obey God’s law in my mind, but still sin?
Well if you know Romans, you know that chapters 1-11 is the “mind” part of the letter. This is the stuff we need to KNOW before we can obey. We need to THINK right before we can ACT right. It’s all about how we are to think. This is the battle-ground up here. We must understand who we are in Christ. This is our identity.
It’s no surprise then that when we come to chapter 12 it begins: Ro 12 And so, … I plead with you to give your bodies to God [as] a living and holy sacrifice…2 Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
How should we then think of ourselves? Not under law! But how can we defeat sin without the law? We defeat it with grace.
1. Grace is more powerful than law
2. We fight sin with grace, not with law
3. Grace frees us from a life dominated by sin and death, which law cannot do.
1. Grace is more powerful than law
6 But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit
There are only two ways to live: by effort, or by grace. We are all judged by works – it just depends on whose works. Our own works – which reveal our sin and lead to eternal death. Or Jesus’ works, which are perfectly righteous and lead to eternal life. Do we trust in ourselves, or trust in him? The law or the Spirit?
4 So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ.
The law has no power over the one who is dead. We died with Christ. Just like if your spouse dies, you are free to remarry – the law of marriage no longer applies. Death breaks the power of the law. So if we have died in Christ, the law no longer applies to us. 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
Because the law brings condemnation. The law like a spotlight reveals our sin and condemns us, rightly. But in Christ we have died to the law. It can no longer condemn us!
4 So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God.
Interesting. The fruit of a life lived by the law is condemnation. The fruit of the free gift of grace through faith produces good deeds. So if you want to do good deeds – remember who you are. Don’t strive. Don’t beat yourself up with the law. Remember who you. Dead to sin, alive to Christ. Mitt kjøtt er dødt!
And why doesn’t the law work? Because v5 When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death.
6 But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.
We are free! Not only have we died to sin, but we are alive in the Spirit. We are not just saved FROM our sin, but also saved FOR God. And he breathes new life into us. We have his Spirit.
And that’s why it feels like there’s a battle-ground in us. Because have our old sinful nature still clinging on. No it’s my effort. And we have the new Spirit-filled nature, saying it’s all Jesus. And that creates conflict within us.
Imagine you were there when Jesus was being crucified. You see him beaten and bloodied. You hear his amazing words “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing”. You see him cry out – and just before he’s about to breathe his last breath, his great work accomplished – you shout “wait!”. Jesus breathes in – surprise on his face. “Wait, wait, wait, I just need to add my bit in to this”. Jesus, his arms outstretched, nails in his hands, the mission complete, a life lived in perfect obedience to the Father, and now giving his life in perfect love, bearing all our sins in his own body, just looks at you with bemusement. As you rush forward, pulling out your wallet. Look! The stuff I gave to TV aksjon! And that time I helped my friend! And here’s my church attendance.
Foolish isn’t it? “My child, none of that is necessary. My work is sufficient.” Jesus says. And then cries out “Father into your hands I commit my spirit” and dies in the darkness of the noonday sky as the earth shakes and rocks split open and the Roman centurion says “Surely this man was the son of God”.
Jesus’ work is sufficient. Why do we think we can add anything to it?
Grace is more powerful than law. And he proved it by bursting forth from the grave a few days later. Who of us can do that? Stop trusting in yourself. Trust in Jesus! Be free! Grace is more powerful than law.
2. We fight sin with grace, not with law
14 So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin
What is the problem with the law? Me! I’m the problem with the law. The law is good. It is God’s good law. It came from his mouth. It is perfect. But as a way of salvation it is severely flawed. In fact, as Christian pointed out last week, the law itself recognises that it is flawed, because it has the sacrificial system built in to it for all the times you fail to keep it! “Here’s the law, guys, but you won’t be able to keep it, so here’s the way to be forgiven when you don’t keep it.”
The law was never the way to be saved. We are saved by grace. Abraham was saved by grace. David was saved by grace. There is no other way to be saved.
The law is an expression of God’s character. It is good and holy and pure – but as a way to be saved or a guide to holy living, it is horrible, and drives us to despair. There is no way you can live up to the standard of the law. As Christians, we do not look to the law to live the Christian life. Not if you take it seriously. For the summary of the law is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul” Who of us does that? Could possibly do that? Never mind the second part which is easier “love your neighbour as yourself”. We just don’t love our neighbour and that reveals that we don’t love God.
The law is remote and unyielding. It is perfect perfection, as hard as diamond, and it will break us. Its holiness, its perfection, is death to us.
7 Well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet.”
God’s law reveals my sin. Like a spotlight. The rational thing to do would be to repent! But then my sinful nature kicks in. 8 But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that power.
This past summer the kids and I were at a wildlife park, and there was this magnificent stuffed rhino on display. The real rhino were just over the fence – we could see them – but this one you could get close enough to touch. To feel the rough skin of the rhino. To feel as if you were right there.
But there was a sign on it. The sign said “do not touch”. Do you know, the sign did not make us want to touch the rhino less! In fact, it made us want to touch the rhino more. It was forbidden.
We touched it.
And that’s what we’re like with God’s law. God says “don’t do that”. And immediately we want to do it. Because if I’m pretending to be God in my life, I’ve got to show who’s the real boss.
Touching a stuffed rhino has little consequence apart from a few tut-tuts – but breaking God’s law kills us.
9 At one time I lived without understanding the law. But when I learned the command not to covet, for instance, the power of sin came to life, 10 and I died.
14 So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin.
Brothers, let’s not fool ourselves. We cannot fight sin with the law. The law just makes things worse. We try to beat ourselves over the head with it – stop sinning, it’s wrong.
It doesn’t work. “Be better!” has never achieved anything. The law is powerless to change us. Only God’s grace can change us, because grace comes with the Spirit of God.
Let’s not say “be better” but “help me”. See, law-based religion is me-focussed. It’s my efforts that will help me. However much I talk about God, it’s actually me and my strength and my discipline which will help me succeed. Oh, God might help me, but it’s God helping ME. I’m in the arena, and he’s cheering me on. That will lead to frustration and death.
Grace is about recognising my helplessness. It’s not looking to me but to Jesus. He is in the arena fighting the battle I cannot win and I am cheering Him on. Yes Jesus, thank you, Jesus! He’s the focus, not me. And there is tremendous freedom in that. I am a slave to sin says v14. Do you believe that? Or do you still think with a bit of focus and discipline you can win? Is your trust in you or is it in Him?
We fight sin with grace, not with law.
3. Grace frees us from a life dominated by sin and death
24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
It’s all about Jesus. Whatever our problem, it is sin that lies at the root. And the ONLY solution to sin is JESUS. Every other solution is trying to fight sin with.. more sin. Even God’s perfect law, something from heaven, from the mouth of the living God, cannot solve our problem. Why do we look to our wife or husband or politicians, or therapists, or discipline or techniques? Sin has ruined them all.
There is only one solution: Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus, the man from Nazareth, born of a virgin called Mary. Jesus was born a human being in order to save us human beings from our sin. It is massive. Why do we think that “trying a bit harder” will succeed if God thinks that the only thing that will work is if he steps out of heaven and becomes one of us. Duh! What a miracle Christmas is.
Jesus the Man, became Christ: the rescuer, saviour, promised in the Scriptures. And showed that he is the Lord, the Living God, in his words, miracles, compassion, and his resurrection. Jesus Christ our Lord. Do you ever stop and just marvel at him. At his magnificence? At the beauty and wonder of the gospel. At the glory of Christmas? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
15 I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.
I keep sinning. Why? I know it’s sin – I agree with the law! 16 But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. 17 So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.
There are two of me inside. When you become a Christian, you enter a battleground. A battle in your mind. Two natures, fighting for control. Thanks be to God, the Spirit will win on the Last Day – but until then we are locked in a desperate battle against ourselves.
22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?
Not me! Not my wife. Not the therapist. Not the politicians. Not even the Christian preacher peddling gospel-lite pop psychology. Only Jesus has the power to defeat sin. Only he can change us from the inside out. Don’t forget that. One of the main weapons our old nature uses is deception – lies – by convincing us to rely on ourselves to solve the problem, rather than the freedom of relying on God. the law does not work and really can never work. We need to kill any idea in us that obeying a certain set of rules, being a certain way, going to certain meetings or avoiding certain foods or certain entertainment will make us right with God. We need to kill that idea. What will make us right with God is Christ. And nothing else. We cannot add anything to the work of Christ.
I experienced this recently. I was getting stressed, anxious. My joy went. I wasn’t excited about the next day – even when the next day was getting stuck in to the Word to prepare a sermon. Oh dear. Why? Because I’d forgotten who’s church this was. I’d forgotten who was responsible for all of you, and all those on the outside, and the churches in Oslo and Vestfold, and the state of the gospel in Norway and the church building and it wasn’t me! It’s Jesus. Fool I was. It took my wife and Petter to remind me that I am not the infinite Creator and Sustainer of all things. And when I let go of that burden which was not mine to bear – oh the lightness of being and the JOY that came back. Praise God.
In Christ we are free.
8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
We cannot add anything to the work of Jesus achieved on the Cross. So how do we apply this? Brothers and sisters, one thing we cannot do is go out of here relying on ourselves to live the Christian life. We are not the answer to our problems. We must humble ourselves and turn to Jesus. Jesus is not our life coach, helping us along – we fall at his feet as he lifts us up and turns us in to a beautiful shining example of his grace at work.
How does this work in practice? To fight sin with grace, rather than law, and embrace the freedom we have been given in Christ? Here’s an example: relationships problems! Those we love the most are often those we struggle most with as well. Why? Because you’re putting sinners together. Whether it’s your wife or your work colleague you’ve got two sinners put together and that creates issues. But this is the key: All relationship problems – ALL – are rooted in sin. Either yours or the other persons (or more likely, both!). The root cause is sin. Selfishness.
And who can fix sin? Not me, not you, but Jesus. Relationships are fixed vertically before they’re fixed horizontally. Remember the triangle – particularly if you’re married. You (L). Your spouse (R). God (Top). The closer you are to God, the closer you are to each other. How is it possible to love another person? Don’t rely on yourself – draw close to God, and He will show you how to love her. Draw close to God, and He will give you the power you need to love her with a fierce undying love. Draw close to God and things will fall into their right place. That’s why we’re gathered here tonight. Draw near to God in wonder and thankfulness and humility.
When we sin, we are reminded that we are weak and need grace. Don’t beat yourself up, but turn to him who arms full of grace died for you on the cross and then rose to life to give you his life-giving Spirit. There is not condemnation but power in humbling ourselves before Jesus. Power no law, no effort, no beating ourselves up can match. Because he lifts us up so that the glory goes to him and we stand in awe of what he has done in our lives. He is the hero in our story. Let’s live like it. Hooray for Jesus. Amen.
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