mandag 19. august 2013


Uncover fra Laget from Laget NKSS on Vimeo.

Rock International Church presenterer bibelstudier for skeptikere. Har du noen gang studerte de opprinnelige tekstene, opprinnelige biografier om Jesus? Vet du at du kan stole på dem historisk? Når du studerer mennesket Jesus, kan du bli overrasket.

Becky Pippert som har utviklet Uncover si: ”Hvordan kan vi komme fram til en dypere innsikt i meningen med livet? Som tidligere agnostiker undersøkte jeg diverse religioner helt til den dagen det gikk opp for meg at jeg faktisk aldri hadde lest Bibelen. Jeg innså at det var altfor uredelig å avvise noe jeg aldri hadde undersøkt ordentlig. Jeg måtte granske bevismaterialet og gå nøye gjennom Jesu påstander om seg selv.
Jeg ser levende for meg første gang jeg leste en av Bibelens fortellinger om Jesus. Inntrykket mitt av Jesus fram til da hadde vært at han nok var en oppriktig og temmelig sorgløs type. Men det var altså før jeg begynte å lese selv.
Jeg var totalt uforberedt på hvordan det jeg møtte i teksten, skulle slå beina under mine egne fordommer. Bibelens Jesus var dypt tiltrekkende men også intenst irriterende. Han kalte seg Fredsfyrsten, men røsket likevel møblementet ut av templet. Han kalte seg Guds Sønn, men ble hele tiden anklaget for ikke å være religiøs nok! Det var absolutte ikke denne Jesus jeg hadde forventet å møte.

Kanskje du aldri har lest Bibelen før. Eller kanskje du aldri tidligere har tenkt ordentlig over hvem Jesus er. Uansett hva som er din historie, en ting er sikkert: Det er umulig å ta stilling til hva som er sant uten en grundig gjennomgang av bevismaterialet.”

Nå til høsten begynner vi med disse seks studiene. Hvis du vil være med, med andre ikke-kristne som vil undersøke dette, sende e-post til (alt foregår på norsk)

søndag 18. august 2013

Ephesians 5:21-33 Christ and the church

Ephesians 5:21-33

Ah Ephesians 5:21-33: widely quoted, widely taught, most often out of context, and most often twisted to fit the teacher’s opinion – rather than let our opinions be straightened out by God’s Word!

So, let me remind you of the context – where are we in the letter to the Ephesians, and what comes just before these verses.

Where we are is in the “describing what a Christian life looks like” part of the book. We have been saved from darkness and brought into the light. We were dead, but now we are alive.
But we don’t know how to not be dead, and left to our own devices we’d keep living the way we always have – as spiritually dead people. So God in his mercy tells us how to live as LIVING people. Stop lying, but tell the truth. Stop sinning sexually, but be pure. Stop breaking people down with your words but build them up. Stop stealing but work hard. Stop living like a drunkard, stumbling through life with no plan, no purpose, but instead be filled with the Spirit, the wisdom and knowledge of God, and live like the wise man, making the most of every opportunity.
Live intentionally, examining your life carefully to see where you are out of step with God’s spirit, where you need to repent and give it over to God.

It’s living faith. Oops, I’ve been living like I was dead in this area, I have not trusted your word here, I repent and give it over to you.

Nowhere is this more apparent with marriage. We all have our own ideas about marriage, indeed whether marriage is even a good thing or not, and certainly about what makes it work. And the words of v22 “wives, submit to your husbands” is so grossly counter culture, sounds so harsh and backwards to our ears, that we are probably tempted to dismiss it as rubbish, or as some form of foolish thinking by Paul, the apostle, stuck in his 1st century ways.

But, if we belong to Christ, we can’t just dismiss his word because we don’t like it. In fact, it’s often those areas where his Living Word is so difficult to accept – it’s those areas that are most important that we grapple to understand, and that we submit to.

We can’t very well call Jesus our “Lord” if we only obey him when he agrees with us. He is our Lord, our Master, we obey his words even when they are hard, even when we don’t understand them, because we trust him. That is faith. That is being in a loving relationship. Obedience is the evidence of faith.

So let us resolve to put aside our initial reaction and allow God to speak to us through his Word first, before we decide how we will respond.

Because this passage is not primarily about women submitting to their husbands – or indeed men loving their wives even to the point of dying for them. It’s not even primarily about marriage!

It is firstly about Christ and the church. So that’s what we’ll look at first. Then we’ll look at the calling to husbands, and finally the calling to wives.

1. Christ and the church

It’s all over the place in this passage, did you notice?

V21 submit…because you revere Christ. He is our motivation!

V22 submit…as to the Lord. V23 Christ is the head of the church. He is the Saviour of his body, the church. V25 love… like Christ loved the church. He gave his life up for her to make her holy. v29 just as Christ cares for the church. And finally, v32 really poorly translated in the NLT This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one – actually says This is a great mystery, and it is about Christ and the church. That is, the mystery of marriage is not marriage – but Christ and the church. Marriage is the shadow, Christ and His Church is the reality. Marriage will pass away, but we will forever be united in Christ, being perfectly known, perfectly knowing him and each other, and perfectly loved.

Isn’t that what marriage strives towards? That perfect love, perfect acceptance. Deep, true intimacy. To be deeply known by another – and loved, accepted. That is the new Creation. That is what we are NOW in Christ. He knows us perfectly, yet still loves us. We now know him in part, and soon will know him fully. A good marriage is a glimpse towards that perfect Reality.

What do we learn about our relationship with God through this passage? We are the church, the wife. He is Christ, the husband.

So how does Christ, the perfect husband, love his wife, the church? (By the way, guys, if you’re offended by being part of the “wife” – don’t be. It’s a great blessing. And anyway, the ladies have had to put up with being called sons!)

Christ, the perfect husband. V23 He is the Saviour of his body, the church. He saves us by v25 He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. 27 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.

Christ is our Saviour. To belong to Christ is to be loved with an indestructible love. To belong to Christ is to BE holy and clean, washed by his word (like we’re doing now). We are being made holy, made clean through the power of his word, a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Indeed, we WILL be holy and without fault.

It’s guaranteed. That’s our destiny. Holy. Faultless. Perfect. Remember that’s what we need to be to get into the kingdom of God: perfect. Only perfect people allowed in the Kingdom. And by being married with Christ, we get his perfection.

It’s like the Royal Wedding: Kate Middleton was a commoner, but when she married Prince William she got his titles. She is now a princess, a duchess, royalty by marriage. They are one.
Or like when Debby and I got married: I brought in a study loan, Debby brought in a car! She shared in my debts, and I shared in her wealth. We were one. She took on my debt – I received her car.
Like us with Christ, he takes upon himself our sins, and we receive his perfection.
Christianity, at its heart is a Marriage, the King who married the poor homeless girl. Actually, no, it’s better than that – he is the King who marries the rebel, the girl who spat in his face and screams “I hate you” when he comes near, the girl who scrabbled in the dirt, who gave her body to everyone and anyone who came by. This prostitute, this rebel, this unlovable wretch – she’s the one he came for, washed clean with his blood. Redeemed. That’s what we are.

We are united into one new body. So close is our intimacy with Christ that we can be described as one new man, one person, one body (earlier in Ephesians) or here in 30 And we are members of his body. 31 As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.”

His body. And so he cares for us, as his body. 29 No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church. Never doubt the love of Christ! If you belong to him, then you are part of his body. And he cannot help but look after his body, and that includes you! Just like you feed, clothe, wash, care for your body, you are compelled to do it, so he looks after and cares for us. We are his body.

How does the church, as the wife of Christ, relate to her husband? She submits to him. She puts his desires before her own. That’s what we do if we are to be the perfect church. A church in rebellion and disobedience to God’s word is not a great church! The evidence is unfortunately all around us: churches that have drifted from the word of God, refusing to obey Christ – and the result is disaster!

24 As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. Everything. It is a whole-hearted obedience. We hold nothing back. And why should we? He loves us, died for us and knows what is best for us (including in marriage). So let us submit to him in EVERYTHING!

Christ is our perfect husband, who loves enough to give up his own life for us, He cares for us, nurtures us, loves us. And we are the church, his bride, his wife, joyfully submitting to his wise care for us, his leadership, our eyes shining with love and joy when we hear his voice, and we run to him saying “I am yours, all of me, you have me completely, do with me as you will”.

Right, that’s the ideal, that’s what our marriages are supposed to reflect, supposed to advertise to the world! So let’s look now at the role of the husband, and the role of the wife.

2. Husbands

Be Christ to your wives. Put yourself aside, your own selfish ambitions, and serve her.

This means caring for her the way you care for yourself, your own body, just as Christ cares for the church (v29). In fact, caring for your wife IS caring for yourself. 28 For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. When you are married you are joined together as one, one flesh, one new person. To look after your wife is like looking after your leg, your arm, your heart. She is part of you.

But what does “care for you wife” actually mean? Note what the GOAL of the perfect husband is. It is not to make the wife happy! 25 For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. 27 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.

What is the goal of the Christian husband? To see holiness in his wife. Her holiness, her godliness, her relationship with the Lord Jesus – that is the goal of the Christian husband. Mind-shift, eh?

Have you ever thought that that is your goal? We’ll see next Sunday that it’s the SAME goal with raising children. Because at the end of the day nothing else matters as much as knowing Christ. He is the be all and end all of life. In Him is found all wisdom and understanding, all light and love and happiness, in Him is found every spiritual blessing.

So resolve to aim for godliness, not happiness in your marriage – and you will find that godliness is the pathway to happiness. Whereas aiming for happiness will mean that you miss both. Trying to make her happy will just end up giving in to whatever she wants. And for sinners like us getting what we want all the time does not make us happy and fulfilled, but makes us greedy and discontented!

So, husbands, this does mean that sometimes you will say “no” because you care more for her godliness than momentary happiness. You will gently reveal sin in her life – after all you know her deeply and can see where she needs to repent. You will pray for her regularly, pleading with the Lord for her. You will read the Bible with her, teaching her the words of truth – not because you’re necessarily a gifted Bible teacher (and she might be better!) but because it is your responsibility to cleanse your wife with the Word (v26).

You might want to take some time after the service to apologise to your wife for areas you have failed to be a husband like Christ, where you have made it difficult for her to submit to your leadership – or where you have not been leading, but been lazy, shirking your responsibilities. And pray together for the power of Christ within you to enable you to be more and more a Christian husband. Because to be a Christian husband is impossible without the Holy Spirit!

By the way, servant leadership is never harsh, never cruel. It does not belittle, or crush. It is not violent or angry. It may be firm, it sometimes may infuriate your wife, you may clash – but Christ is a servant leader, deep love and compassion underlies everything he does. You be the same.

The picture I have in my mind of being a husband is caring for a beautiful delicate flower. To water her, to nurture, to occasionally clip a piece off – but always support her striving for the light, letting her bloom, reveal more and more of the glorious flower that she is.

3. Wives

Be the church to your husbands. Submit to him in everything. Respect him.

24 As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. Now this does NOT say “submit to him when you agree with his decision”. It does not say “submit, when he’s loving like he should”. It says “submit”. You think that’s hard? Well, how about being called to love your wife, to die to self for her – also unqualified. Also not “if she submits” “if she respects” but love her when she nags you, love her when she’s bitter, love her when she cuts you down, love her when she’s bossy and takes over everything and shuts you out of your own family. Love her, and stop her doing those things (eventually). It’s hard being a husband, and it’s hard being a wife. Being married to a sinner is going to be difficult!

So submit, in everything. That doesn’t mean be a silent doormat, but it does mean that you know AND he knows that he has the responsibility of leading the family and that you support him in that. This is especially important for those with non-Christian husbands. You are still to honour and respect him. In fact 1 Peter 3 says that you will win him over with your submission. Why? Because it is so completely against the way of the world. IN our selfish natures we fight for our rights. But suddenly there you are supporting him. Loving him. Honouring him. Making him feel special, respected, like the king in his home. What a witness of living for Christ!

Ladies, trust the word of Christ. Honouring your husband as your husband, honouring his position as head of the family, and letting him lead. It really works. It is the way God has designed us. So trust his word. Trust yourself to him. And if your husband is making a real hash of things – don’t nag or manipulate or sulk, make things difficult – pray. Pray to his head, the Lord Jesus, and ask Him to change things. And that goes for non-Christian husbands too – Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth, and has authority over your home too. So pray to Him, and trust your First Husband to look after you. Do not be afraid – he is with you.

Again, you might want to take some time after the service to talk with your husband, apologise for areas where you have tried to take control from him, where you have made him feel useless or unwanted, disrespected. And pray together for the power of God to enable you to lovingly and joyfully submit to your husband. Because that is impossible, and only the Holy Spirit can enable you to be a Christian wife!

In conclusion

32 [Marriage] is a great mystery, and it is about Christ and the church

Dear friends, our relationships should reflect Christ: with our wives, our children, at work. And especially marriage: marriage is designed to reflect the relationship Christ has with his church. Our marriage is an advert for Christ’s love and the church’s loving submission.

What message does your marriage teach? Do people see Christ willing to give up everything – to become nothing, to die, even to die a criminal’s death on the cross – love so deep it will bear any cost in order to save his people – do people see that in the way you treat your wife? Love your wife?

Do people see the church with a joyful submission, a servant heart, a willingness to do anything for the glory of Christ – a heart that moves swiftly to obey, swiftly to serve, to give, to honour, to build up, to praise – do people see that in the way you treat your husband? Respect him, honour him, follow his lead, even when it’s difficult, even when you think he’s wrong.

Isn’t this a noble calling? We show Christ and the church. Us! God has entrusted us with advertising his love for us. And he has empowered us by his Spirit, so that we CAN do this.

What a joy! What a privilege! Everything we do, everything we are, is for his glory. Even our marriage echoes into eternity. Praise God.

søndag 11. august 2013

Ephesians 5:8-20 Live in the light

Ephesians 5:8-20

The movie Gladiator opens with a battle scene, the general Maximus addressing his troops. And he says “What we do in life echoes in eternity!”

Do you want a life that echoes in eternity? Do you want your life to count? Do you want to live with meaning, with purpose?

Today’s reading is about living meaningful lives. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord, living not as fools, but as wise, making every moment count. Your life echoes in eternity. What story will your life tell?

Live in the light – because you are people of the light
Live in the light – because the darkness will be exposed
Live in the light – because this pleases the Lord

1. Live in the light – because you are people of the light

8 For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! 9 For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.

We are now firmly in the second half of Ephesians. The first half was the gospel - what God has done for us. Eph 2:1 Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins....4–5 But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, 5 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)
And in Christ, Eph 1:3–4 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. 4 Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

This is who we are! We were once dead – full of darkness, stuck in our sins, in our rebellion against God. But now – now we are ALIVE! Alive to God, alive in Christ. We are full of LIGHT! We breathe, talk, walk – we live like people who are alive, not people who are dead. So we tell the truth, read the Bible, tell people about Jesus, are sexually pure, use our words to build up, work hard and provide for others, are kind, tender-hearted, quick to forgive.

Now all that can sound like a list of things to do! Try harder, do more. But there’s no gospel in that. Remember how we’ve seen in these two chapters (4 and 5) the gospel is sprinkled into all these verses about “this is how you should live”. Have a look: 4:19 No lust and impurity - 4:23 Let the Spirit renew you, put on your new nature. Don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t be angry, etc. 4:30 The Holy Spirit guarantees you will be saved. Be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving, not bitter angry, harsh, etc. 4:32 Because Christ forgave you 5:2 He loved us. No sexual immorality, coarse jokes. 5:8 You were full of darkness, but now light – and that light produces what is good and right and true.

This light within us produces only what is good and right and true. That’s where the fruit comes from - from the light within. We were dark, but we have now become people of the light. The light, God’s Spirit, is the one who produces the fruit. It is his work to transform us, to change us, to regenerate us. We are new creations.

So what do we do? Sit back on our bottoms and see what God does? Well, yes, and no. Because faith is living and active – so although it is GOD who changes us, who works, whose power flows through us: we take part in His work by thinking, obeying, acting like Jesus.
We live like we are alive, not like we are dead. It is not a passive faith – i.e. we sit on our couch and do nothing.
We’re not dead. Dead people live and let life pass them by.
We are ALIVE. It is an active faith. We are soldiers, warriors for God, so we plan, we think, we act, we do. 5:10 Carefully determine (decide, think about) what pleases the Lord.

5:8 For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!

2. Live in the light – because the darkness will be exposed

10 Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. 11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. 12 It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. 13 But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, 14 for the light makes everything visible.

Exposed! Found out! The criminal surprised by the floodlight that turns on, revealing his face to the camera. The movie star caught in a back alley with his pants down, the flash of light revealing his sin to the world.

I’m sure you know the feeling! I certainly do. When you’re doing something you shouldn’t and suddenly someone finds out. Oh the shame! The embarrassment! The immediate attempt to explain away what you were doing. No it wasn’t what it looked like.

I remember a very sweet bookkeeper at a company I audited. She needed to borrow a small amount of money - but the bank refused to lend it to her. The company had money – it won’t matter if I take some – I’m going to pay it back…. but of course, she used the money, and then her car broke down, and then something else came up.... And somehow the money didn’t get repaid before we came to audit. And she was exposed.
Thief! She didn’t mean to do it, but there it was: she had taken the money without asking, and had not paid it back. She was a thief. Her employer could no longer trust her – she had broken that relationship. She lost her job. Exposed, humiliated. The light shone on her and revealed her sin. She never thought that would happen! In the darkness when she decided to take the money she never thought about the sun coming up and shining its fierce light on her theft.

And isn’t that just like us. We don’t sit around and plan to sin (at least very often! Sometimes we do- I’m going to do THIS). But most of the time we don’t plan, we don’t think ahead, we kind of stumble into a situation and then try to justify our behaviour. Make excuses. It’ll be alright, I’ll put the money back.
maybe it’s not theft, but harsh words or even cruelty – guys with your wives, your kids. It’s fine, I’m under pressure. I don’t need to say sorry.
Or wives, manipulating your husbands, nagging them “do this, do that”, using sex as weapon, making them feel like dirt.
Or a little lie here, a little lie there – so small.
Or a bit of “harmless” flirting. It’s not going to go any further, it’s just fun.

And then the light shines on you, suddenly, without warning. And things have got out of control. The harsh words, the cruelty, have become a habit, and one day you come home to an empty house and a tear-stained note “I can’t live with the bullying”. Or the manipulation and nagging – and suddenly he walks out the door “I can’t take it any more” (or like many men just becomes less and less part of the family, “busy” with other things – in the garage, in the garden, out at the club - anywhere but in the home).

The lies suddenly catch up with you and you’re exposed.

The flirting lead to coffee, and then meals out, and then a visit to a hotel, and then more sexual escapades, and suddenly you’re divorced, living with this woman you were “harmlessly” flirting with and her child from another man – separated from your wife and two sons growing up without a father. Harmless.
Or the “harmless” flirting because the woman at the client makes you feel like a MAN whereas the wife at home just nags and nags. And so you play with the harmless flirting – until one day it becomes more than harmless, and you end up having an affair.
Both those are true stories. The second couple were Christians, and were by God’s grace able to forgive each other and sort out deep rooted problems in their marriage – but it was a very painful and deeply traumatic experience.

Eph 5:15 (NLT) So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Only a fool imagines that sin has no consequences. Every sin will be exposed. EVERYTHING you have ever thought, done, said will be revealed, if not now, on the Last Day when Christ returns. 13 evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, 14 for the light makes everything visible.

Live in the light - because the darkness will be exposed.

3. Live in the light – because this pleases the Lord

5:15 be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. We are called to live wisely, because we have been given the wisdom of Christ. We are called to live in a way that “pleases the Lord” – see that in v10 Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.

And what pleases him? Why, living wisely. Not doing what is shameful (v12), not doing what is worthless (v11) – instead, live intentionally: 15 be careful how you live. Literally translated “look with exactness at your walk”. Examine your life 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.

V16 is great literally translated from the Greek. It says “Ransom (rescue from loss) the time”.

Lives lived in rebellion and disobedience to God are worthless. They are “worthless deeds”, useful only for destruction. But you, child of God, you are called to ransom your time, use it for the glory of God! Live intentionally, thinking through how you live your life: how you work, how you play, who you marry, how you run your family, your church, etc. Look with exactness at your walk.

18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit

This verse has often confused me – why does Paul suddenly talk about wine. But reading it in context (ah!) – because living unintentionally, living not carefully, living without a plan, lurching from one place to the next, saying or doing whatever comes into your head with no filter – that’s living like a drunkard. And so many people live like that. Many Christians live like that. Maybe even here today. Actually, probably here today. Our society is all about being “free” and not tied down and being “lead by our heart” and expressing ourselves. In other words living like drunkards. No plan, nothing thought through, just blurting out whatever, hooking up with someone, having a baby or two, then moving out because they were too much trouble, then drifting into someone else’s arms, and so on.

Our society is full of “drunkards”. And we should not be the same Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Instead of wandering foolishly into sin, living a life full of worthless deeds, our minds should be full of the gospel, the truths of the Bible – we are sinners, but forgiven by the grace of God.
We were dead but now alive!
Like songs in our heart we should be rejoicing over the grace of God, the love our Father has for us – and we should know the deceit (falseness) of our own hearts, of the world, of the devil – and we should be ready!

We need to examine ourselves, our own hearts, our motivations, and ask the Lord to show us the truth – and then take action! Maybe you find it easy to get drunk. Then stay away from parties and ask someone to help you with it. Debby and I have a rule that we’re never in the house alone with someone of the opposite sex. (So, ladies, if I don’t invite you in but make you stand on the step – that’s why!). Why? Not because I think anything WILL happen – but because anything COULD happen. Oh we are evil creatures, we love to sin, and I don’t want to even get near to a dangerous situation. It’s also a matter of Christian witness – if I kept on having ladies over at my house whenever Debby was out, what do you think the neighbours would imagine is happening? Bible study?

You know what your areas of temptation are – so stay away. Live intentionally. 5:15 be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Don’t live like a drunkard, but Be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord is so good – he has given us the church to help us KNOW how to please Him, and to help each other please him. This is the place where we are filled with the Spirit, we hear His words, we confess sin, we see His work in each other’s lives. Our lives together like a symphony of praise to God, music to his ears. This is where we gather to praise God, to thank him, to sing to him. God’s people.

We need each other! So make time for church. Plan time for prayer, for the Bible study, for one-to-one bible reading, for telling friends about Jesus. For the Sunday meeting.
“If you fail to plan you plan to fail.”
Do you pray for your church? Someone’s looking a bit down – meet them for coffee in the week. Send a sms with a Bible passage. Set aside money, make it the first thing you do with your paycheck, to support gospel work. Think through how can I serve better at church, at home, at work. How can I love my church family more, how can I raise my kids to understand the gospel, how can I love my wife better”. Live as people of the light, our lives echoing in eternity: Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God! We are forgiven sinners. Let us love one another like Christ loves us, and let us resolve today to live like that.

We have a moment now to think about these things – to consider our lives carefully. Where have we been living like drunkards instead like those filled with the Spirit? As you receive the bread and the wine, the reminder of the New Life given to you – the power of sin broken like the bread; your sins forgiven, washed away by the blood; the Holy Spirit taken within you; part of Christ’s body as we eat and drink together, united in Christ – use this time to 10 carefully determine what pleases the Lord, to repent of worthless deeds, shameful things done in secret, and to “expose” them, confess them to the Lord.

Live in the light – because you are people of the light
Live in the light – because the darkness will be exposed
Live in the light – because this pleases the Lord

Use this time, assured of God’s love, the forgiveness of sins, to be honest before God. He already knows your “secret” sins. Expose them to the light, and be forgiven.
What “private” sin do you struggle with? Where are you playing around with sin, thinking “it’s alright, it’s just in my thoughts” or “I’m alone, it’s not harming anybody”. Maybe it’s bitterness, thoughts of revenge, unforgiveness. Maybe it’s anger or frustration with someone in the church. Maybe it’s racism, or prejudice towards certain people or groups of people. Maybe it’s fantasies of another life. Maybe sexual fantasies. Maybe it’s worry, worry about this or that, worry about the future. Because those “hidden” sins – oh they find a way of coming out. As Jesus said “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”.
Or maybe you know it affects others but you’re too proud to do something about it. Lies that need to be replaced with truth. Laziness with work. Unkind words with words that build up. An apology instead of defensiveness.

Friends, fellow sinners! Let’s repent! 11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.

Confess them now to God, to each other. Perhaps you need to make right with someone. Resolve to do it, and follow through on that resolution immediately.

søndag 4. august 2013

Ephesians 5:1-9 God’s mirror

Eph 5:1-9

Why does the Bible command us to be holy? Why does it have lists and lists of things to do? We’ve just read: Don’t lie, tell the truth. Don’t steal but work. Don’t sin sexually, but be pure.

Isn’t this just a list of rules? Why is this good news? Sounds like bad news to me!

No, it’s not a list of rules – it’s a description.

You are alive. So there are things you do naturally. You breathe, walk, eat, sleep, talk, love, run, jump. Why? Because those are the things living people do! In the same way these lists of commands aren’t commands so much as descriptions of what people who are spiritually alive do. This is how we live.

Of course, if we are dead, breathing, walking, eating – all the things that a living person does – well that’s impossible for us, and we are foolish to try. And that’s the message in today’s passage. Imitate God, literally be like God in everything, because you are his dear children. Act like a living person because you are alive.

And if you are dead, that is not a child of God, not part of Christ. Well then, you will not inherit the kingdom of God because no-one who is dead (immoral, impure, or greedy) is allowed to be with the living. No corpses in the living room thank you!
If you are dead, you need to FIRST be made alive through Christ before you can live like the living.

1. Be perfect in everything

2. Only perfect people are allowed to know God

3. Christ, the perfect image of God

1. Be perfect in everything

5:1 Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.

Now some people have been taught that this means “try really hard and make sure you say sorry to God”. That the way to progress as a Christian is to be sincere, and to try hard (and don’t forget to say sorry, otherwise you’ll go to hell). Well, if you’ve been taught that, you’ve been lied to. The only way to be right with God, the only way to grow as a to be perfect. To reflect back to God the perfection of God. 5 You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God.

“Imitate God!” commands Paul through the Spirit. in everything you do. Eph 4:24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. God is commanding us to imitate him, to be like him, to be reflections of Him – a little perfect image of God running around in the world. The word in v1 in the Greek is “mimeos”, where we get mimic. We are to mimic God, echo his actions, copy him. Like a reflection in a mirror, so we are to reflect the holiness and perfection of God.

Now this isn’t something new, or some weird thing only found in Ephesians. Jesus said it in his sermon on the mount: as he preaches to the people about the Kingdom of God he sums up his teaching like this “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48). In Leviticus 19:2 Israel was called to “Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy”. 1 Peter 1:15 says But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.

Imitate God. Be perfect. Be righteous. That is the standard to which we are called, the standard against which every person is measured. The standard is perfection. The goal is holiness. Not merely a bit more holy. But perfectly holy.

4:24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God. BE LIKE GOD. truly righteous and holy (v24).

Think about it. You, a being of pure goodness. No selfish thought ever crosses your mind. No evil desire. No harsh word passes your lips. You are perfectly honest, always truthful. You are sexually pure, not lustful, without shame. You are like a shaft of clean light, shining in the darkness.

That is what we are called to be. No less than as perfect as God himself. And if we are not, if we are immoral, impure, greedy – then we will not inherit the kingdom of God! 5:5 You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God.

We have often said that we should have a sign outside the church saying “no perfect people allowed”. And that’s right. Everyone is welcome to come and hear the Gospel preached. But the Heavenly Church, the Kingdom of God, has a sign outside its door.


Imitate God in everything you do – and if you do not, if you slip into immorality, the tiniest impurity, a little bit of greed – then you are shut out from the Kingdom of God forever. You will not inherit the kingdom of God. Have I got your attention now? Am I saying anything other than what the Word is saying? No, it’s right there in verse 5.

2. Only perfect people are allowed to know God

5 You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. 6 Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him.

Now I have a problem. The problem is: I am greedy – the evidence is here around my waist. Therefore, I will not inherit the kingdom of God. I am not good enough. I can not be good enough.

You are all liars. You are sexual sinners. You lose your temper and let your anger get the better of you. You tell coarse jokes and use bad language. You are impure. You are thieves, prostitutes, murderers, adulterers, greedy people driven by your appetites. In short, you are like me. Everything we’ve read that we should not do in chapters 4 and 5 – we do.

And yet we still think that trying harder will impress God! The Jehovah’s Witnesses try very hard. Very earnest. Very sincere. Desperately trying to be good enough for God, to please God, to be moral enough, pure enough. But He is not pleased. They will not inherit the Kingdom.
Catholics, they seem to live with great guilt, always trying to ensure they’ve prayed enough, said enough hail Mary’s, confessed enough sin. Many sitting in Protestant churches fall into the same trap. Have I done enough? Have I confessed? Have I been filled with the latest spiritual blessing? Have I sung enough praise? Have I prayed enough? Is God satisfied?

And the answer is NO! God is not satisfied. You have failed. You have not confessed enough, said enough hail Mary’s , gone door to door enough, sang praises enough, been “filled with the spirit” enough. You are still an idolater, you still think impure thoughts, you are still greedy, you are still not perfect. Our efforts are not enough.

And the same goes for Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists, New Age, atheists, whatever. Full of sincere, lovely people, trying so hard to be good. Think about Islam. It sets very high standards of behaviour. You must do this at this time. You must not do that. Eat this food but not that. Give to the poor, help your neighbour, pray five times a day, declare the greatness of Allah and his prophet Muhammed, travel to Mecca (Hajj). What a high standard, a high calling. But it is not enough. The best Muslim falls short of perfection. The best Hindu is not good enough. The Dalai Lama (the best Bhuddist) is not good enough. For they do not imitate God perfectly. They are not like God.

6 Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him.

God’s anger will fall on all who disobey him. We saw that in Amos – Amos warning, pleading with the people to turn back to God, to seek him and live, to stop messing around with their religion and seek GOD. Because religion is simply trying to impress God. And God has already told us it does not impress him. Being religious won’t work. Being perfect, and only being perfect, will work.

Imitate God – or be shut out of the Kingdom.

Understanding the awesome, frightening HOLINESS of God is key for us to understand this chapter and chapters like it in the Bible. Understanding God’s holiness makes moralism “be a good boy, try harder” utterly ridiculous! That kind of “Christianity” is all over the place and it is a lie.

5:1 Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.

Well, we’ve seen that that’s impossible! For us. But there is one person who did imitate God. There is one man who is God’s exact mirror image, one who perfectly reflects the Father. As Jesus said to Philip in John 14:9 “to know me (Jesus) is to know the Father”.

We cannot imitate God, but v2 carries on, praise God, with these words: He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.

3. Christ, the perfect image of God (he is God’s mirror)

Feel the hopelessness of anything other than the gospel. For this is the truth. There is NO HOPE apart from Christ. Only he is the pleasing aroma to God. Only he can satisfy God’s righteous requirements. Only he is perfectly holy, perfectly good, perfectly righteous. Only Jesus has kept the law, perfectly.

Jesus mind is not dark (4:18) but light, not closed but open, his heart is not hard but soft toward God the Father. He did not, does not, follow lustful pleasure and sexual impurity (v19) but has thrown off lust and deception. Lust has no part in Christ. He did not and does not use people to satisfy his own sexual desires.

There is (v25) only truth on his lips, there is no unrighteous anger, he does not steal but works hard, his words are good and helpful and building up – he is kind, tender-hearted, forgiving.

In other words, Christ is the perfect Christian (the only perfect Christian)!

That’s why in these chapters about “this is how you must live” the gospel is almost randomly sprinkled in amongst this list of things to do. No lust and impurty - 4:23 Let the Spirit renew you, put on your new nature. Don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t be angry, etc. 4:30 The Holy Spirit guarantees you will be saved. Be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving, not bitter angry, harsh, etc. 4:32 Because Christ forgave you 5:2 He loved us. No sexual immorality, coarse jokes. 5:8 You were full of darkness, but now light – and that light produces what is good and right and true.

What we must do is realise we cannot do it, realise that he has done it, and ask him to cover our shame and failure with his glorious perfection – and that is exactly what he does.

In Eph 2 it says 1 Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins….4 But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, 5 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.

You see, being a Christian is remembering that we are not dead but alive. The command to imitate God is not some sick joke, haha this is impossible, you’ll never do it, you can burn in hell – but this is saying to living people: breathe. Be what you are. Walk, talk, jump, laugh, live. For dead people, being commanded to breathe, to walk, to talk, is impossible. But if we are in Christ, we are not dead! We are alive!

So be alive! Christian maturity or growth is simply remembering that I am alive in Christ.

You ARE holy, perfect, in Christ. So let it out. Breathe! Walk! Talk! Be spiritually ALIVE, not spiritually DEAD. That is how we progress as Christians – we keep saying “wait, I’m not dead, I can move my arm, move my leg, breathe, talk, walk.” Dead people lie, but I’m not dead, I can tell the truth. Dead people steal - I’m not dead, I can work hard and give generously. Dead people use their words as weapons, I’m not dead, I can speak to build people up.

I’m standing and talking to a woman who I know will have sex with me. She is not my wife. I feel the lust within me. I desire her and she desires me. Wait! I’m not dead! I no longer have to 19 live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity. I am alive in Christ! So I fight sexual temptation with my hat – I grab it and run!

The same goes for images of sexually available women (or men) – flee from pornography! You are alive in Christ. As my Dad said a few weeks ago: stop it! Stop it! Breathe! Be alive. Be what you are, not what you are not.

This should be what people see in us: the life of Christ shining forth. Eph 5:8–9 (NLT) For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! 9 For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.

This light within us produces only what is good and right and true. That’s where the fruit comes from - from the light within. We were dark, but we have now become people of the light. The light, God’s Spirit, is the one who produces the fruit.

I’d like to end by telling a little story illustrate the point of this passage. This was originally told by Paul Tripp
Suppose I have an apple tree in my garden (I do). Now suppose it produces horrible bitter small apples (which it does). My wife would like big, juicy, sweet but still-a-bit-tangy apples. So she says to me “fix the tree”. “Yes dear”. So the next day I go out to the shops and come back with the following: a ladder, a nail gun, and a bag of big juicy apples from the shop. My wife watches me carry all this down to the tree with a concerned look on her face. You know the look which says “I think he’s finally lost it”. She becomes more certain of this fact when she sees what I’m doing to the tree. Because I am up the ladder, and grabbing each branch, I am taking one of the juicy apples I bought from the shop and nailing it with the nail gun to the branch. After half an hour I’m finished. The tree has juicy apples nailed to every branch. “Fixed it” I say to my wife.

Now many Christians, many people, are like that. We’re apple-nailing. And, if you are not in Christ, if you don’t belong to him, if he has not changed you from within, you are apple-nailing. Because how is that tree supposed to produce fruit? It needs to be changed from the INSIDE. It needs new soil, nutrients, it needs to be pruned, cared for, looked after. Nailing apples to the outside may work for a short while but it is not a solution – and it certainly won’t fool God!

A rotten tree produces rotten fruit. What the tree needs is to be made healthy again.

We need the gospel, we need Jesus not just to start the Christian life, but also to live it. Otherwise we’re just apple-nailing, fooling ourselves – and that will lead to being shut out of the Kingdom.

Only Christ is the perfect image of God. So repent of your sin, repent of trying to be “good enough”, admit to him that you need him, and accept him as Lord and King. And you become a beloved son or daughter of God, righteous and holy, by the power of his Spirit.

If you are in Christ – then be alive. Don’t live like you’re dead! Live in His power, live in the light.

And if you’re not in Christ – then you are dead, and this life is impossible. So turn to him to receive life and live in the light.