Romans 1:15-17
Happy New Year! The new year is a great time to look back on the year that has passed, and think about the year that is to come. It’s a time when people make New Year’s resolutions – promises to change things to set a new course, a new vision for the year.
And that’s what we’re going to do this morning. We’re going to spend some time thinking what our mission is as a church: why we are here and what we are here to do. Then what God has done for us in the past – and I’ve asked a few people to share their stories. And, based on that, sketch a vision for 2016.
Firstly, then, our mission. And our mission is defined for us not by us, but by God.
1. Our mission is to share the gospel: Romans 1:15-17
My text for this morning is one of our core texts in this church: Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. And it continues in 17 This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”
That is why, v15 Paul says he is eager… to preach the Good News.
This church was started in faith that this verse is true even here in Norway: that the gospel, the Good News, is for everyone – the secular Norwegian opposed to the gospel, the confused Norwegian who’s met religious people who call themselves Christians and has met the wagging finger and harsh judgment, the foreigner who grew up Muslim in Africa, or in Afghanistan, or the religiously persecuted from Africa, or the Catholic looking to know Jesus without all the extra stuff the church puts in the way, or the religious person who’s grown up in church but hasn’t been gripped by the gospel and doesn’t know Jesus, or the Buddhist looking for the highest Truth – the Truth that can really set you free, or the Hindu looking for the One true God above all gods. Whoever we are, whatever our background, the gospel is open to us. And if we can be saved, so can our friends and neighbours. No matter their background, no matter what they’ve done.
That is why Jesus came. That is the Good News we have! Everyone, ANYONE, can come. No matter your background, your tribe, your family, your culture, or even your past. What you have done does not matter. Because look at v16: the good news about Christ, the gospel, saves everyone who DOES THINGS FOR GOD – NO! Saves everyone who believes. Who believes. V17 expands on that This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith.
It is by faith. Faith is another word for trust. Every time you sit on a chair you have faith. You trust that it won’t collapse under you! Faith is not some mystical ooooooohhhhmmm spiritual feeling you need to generate. Faith is trust. And it’s not blind faith. We trust based on the evidence – we see God’s truth in the Bible. We know that is reliable. We see what God has done in the lives of the people around us – we’ll hear from a few people in a few minutes what God has done. It’s encouraging, and builds up our faith. They trusted in Jesus. I can trust in Jesus. Faith is trust. Do you trust in Jesus to take away your sin and make you righteous? Do you trust in Him to make you a child of God? Do you trust Him with your life, your words, your thoughts, everything you are and will be? Then you have faith.
God’s job in salvation is to provide everything. Our role is to trust. Our salvation is not based on how good or bad we have been. No our righteousness (goodness) comes from God. This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. God makes us right based on what JESUS has done. No matter what you’ve done, no matter how good you’ve been or how bad you’ve been – it doesn’t matter. God declares you right by FAITH. Look again at v16. It says the Good News about Christ is the power of God at work, saving everyone. The gospel is the power for salvation. v16 does not say “your past actions have the power to save you” It does not say “your family connections have the power to save you”. It does not say your worldview or your religious beliefs have the power to save you. Not even your sincerity. Or how hard you try. YOUR efforts aren’t part of the gospel!
It is what Jesus HAS DONE, the Good News about CHRIST, which is the POWER of God to save you. In Him the power lies. Not in me. Not in you.
You see the gospel is not a self-help program. It is not 10 steps to a better you. It is not a way to get the things you want from God the great genie in the sky. The gospel is not, primarily, about you. It is about Jesus. It is about what he has achieved. It is his death on the cross that saves us. It is his resurrection that brings us new life. Our role is to trust. To surrender ourselves to God. To say “I have sinned against you, rebelled against you. I want you to save me. I want to belong to you. I want you to be my God, my Master, my King.”
The gospel is, at its heart, a swap. We get his. He gets ours. We swap our rebellious, sinful, destined for death life – for Jesus’ indestructible, eternal, righteous Life!
And when we get that new life. Wow. Things start to change within us. We are made new. We start to become new people. We start to live righteously. But again it’s not through our own efforts, but through the power of God. We simply have faith. Like a small child we take our fathers hand and allow him to lead us safely across the road, or through the dark forest, or wherever we need to go. That’s why v17 says As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”. We never move away from faith. We’re not saved and then good luck, the rest is up to you! No, the righteous (those saved by Jesus) have life now. How? Through faith. Not through effort, hard work, sincerity. All rubbish if it’s not by faith.
God works within us and starts to change us from the inside out. God saves EVERYONE, ANYONE who believes. Look around this room. We’re everyone. Different backgrounds, different nationalities, different sins! But God has saved us, not through our power, but through His. Isn’t he great! Isn’t he wonderful! Praise God.
Our mission is to share the gospel. Because the gospel is powerful. This church is a testimony to that power.
2. Looking back on what God has done through his powerful gospel in Rock International Church
This church is a testimony to his power. It was planted in weakness. We started the church at the wrong time in the wrong place with the wrong leadership – from a human point of view it was a failure before it even began (and a few people told us that).
But one thing we got right: we trusted in the power of the gospel to save people and change lives. That’s not saying we were brilliant – it was pretty obvious that the ONLY strength we had was His strength. When you’ve got nothing but God it’s easy to recognise God!!
We held our first service on Sunday 1 July 2012. It was in our lounge. There were only 5 of us – my family and one other! But God was faithful. As we trusted him, he started adding to our number, yes, but also grew us. If you want to grow quickly, serve in church! I have grown more in these past 3.5 years than ever in my life!
But think back! 5 people in a lounge. What weakness. And I preached a sermon that took me two days to prepare. Seems idiotic. But… where’s the power? The power is in the word of God. The power is in his gospel. So preaching the word and Bible study were what we threw our efforts into. Every Wednesday and every Sunday a small group of people gathered around God’s Word in faith. And we started seeing miracles. People who could never be saved… were saved. People started growing in maturity. The church became a family – people loving each other, looking after each other. People were witnessing to their friends and neighbours, their family. People finally threw off the burden of guilt they were carrying around. People stopped trying to earn their salvation by good works – and trusted in Christ’s good works (And then, filled with his love, they started doing the good works they wanted to do but kept failing to do! We need God’s power to live like God’s people).
And that’s kept happening. God keeps his promises. By Dec 2012 we had moved out of our lounge and into Krona. We were about 10-15 people meeting each week. By 2013 we were 15-20. In 2014 – we were still 2014. Why? Because I took my eye off the ball. I lost my focus on evangelism. Apologies, church! But the Lord is the Chief Pastor, the Head Minister of this church and he had a little word with me and brought it to my attention! And 2015, wow what a year that has been! We’re now 53 regulars (20 children, 33 adults) – and what God has been doing amongst us is so encouraging. People have been growing, and the best thing about being a leader is that you see it- you see God at work in people! So I wanted to share that encouragement and joy with you. So I’ve asked a few people if they would share what God has been doing in their lives in 2015, and what the church has meant for them. As you go you grow! I’m going to ask them all to come up, and then share one by one. So: Peter, Tori, Martin, Frode, Torgeir, over to you. I said they could share in English or Norwegian.
Hva har Rock Church betydd for deg? Hva har du lært om Gud/deg selv/ andre igjennom dette året? Hva er største endring i deg fra før du gikk I Rock til nå?
Isn’t that brilliant! Let’s pray. Father, thank you for the gospel. Thank you that the gospel is the power of God for salvation for all who believe. Thank you that anyone can be saved. And thank you that you don’t just save us, but you make us your children. We belong to you. And you grow us, change us, make us more like you Son. Thank you for saving Peter, Tori, Martin, Frode, Torgeir, and making them more like your Son, Jesus, our Brother. Thank you Father! Thank you Holy Spirit that you are at work in all of us here, making us more like Jesus. As we think now about 2016, we are excited to see your power at work in our friends, neighbours, work colleagues, and family members. Thank you that you can turn the hardest hearts, hearts of stone, into hearts of flesh. Thank you that ANYONE can be saved. We praise you Father. Amen.
Our mission is to share the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation. We have seen in the life of this church the power of the gospel. Now as we look to 2016
3. Looking forward to what God will do and can do through his powerful gospel in Rock International Church in 2016 and beyond
1:16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. 17 This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”
As we look around at our friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours, we might find many hard hearts. We might find real “sinners”. We might see horrible people who don’t deserve the gospel. We might find failures. We might think “It is impossible for them to be saved”.
Well, look at v18. This tells us WHY the gospel needs to be by faith and nothing else. V18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
The “but” there is actually the word “for” or “because”. We need the gospel because we are sinners. We cannot save ourselves. We cannot earn our salvation. For everything we do, even the good things, are tainted, marked, by sin. We are sinners and sinners sin. It should not surprise us when we look around at the people we know and see sinners. Those are the people Jesus came for. That’s why the gospel is by faith! So let’s get out there and share the gospel. This church must be filled with the misfits, the outsiders, the failures, the sinners – oh yes, and the “good” people who’ve got it all together – but reject God. The gospel is for everyone. This church is for everyone. This church is for sinners.
If we do this, if we stay focussed on sharing the gospel, we will see great miracles this year. God will do what he said he will do. We will see people saved. We will see people grow. And we ourselves will grow. Commit yourself to the Lord and to his ways. Commit to get to church, get to Bible study, and you will grow. Let us say with Paul For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. In fact, let’s say v16 together: For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.
One word about growth. It is painful. It will be uncomfortable. New people will come in and we’ll have to make room. It will mess up our comfortable little family. But this is why Jesus came, and this is why we will follow in his footsteps: to seek and to save the lost.
This year we are going to launch a Norwegian service. We will probably have to move venues – if just for the Sunday school! We will need more of us to get involved in serving at church. We need more of us to keep sharing the gospel. To keep praying, humbling ourselves before God. Some of you will be leading Bible studies. You will be meeting 1to1 with people, reading the Bible. Leading Uncover. Praying with each other. Getting involved in each others lives. Perhaps looking after children. Helping people practically. Look where you can serve your brothers and sisters and do it. Look where you can love your non-Christian friends. I am not the church – you are! Each of us has been chosen by God to serve him, and we’ve been given his Holy Spirit so that we can serve. So look where you can serve, and do it!
Isn’t this exciting! I am thrilled about 2016! This is going to be a great year!
We’ve grown from 5 to 50 in 3 years. But there are over 12 THOUSAND people outside these walls who need to hear this message of grace. There are atheists and Muslims and confused people. There are people who think they are Christians but carrying around a burden of trying to be good enough for God – they’ve never really understood the gospel (or maybe they’ve never heard it!) What sweet relief when you can come with the true gospel. Who can you reach? Who can you share the gospel with? Who will reach? Who will you pray for right now?
Yes, it would be more comfortable for us just to play church here on a Sunday, just us few, us happy few. Focus on our needs and forget everyone else. But our saviour went to the cross. We follow him, and we give everything.
Are you ready for 2016? It’s going to be a fantastic year. God is at work amongst us. Our Senior Pastor Jesus is building his church, growing his people, gathering in the lost. Let’s share about him, knowing there is POWER in the gospel. When we talk about Jesus, the Holy Spirit shows up!
2016 is going to ROCK!
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