søndag 23. juni 2013

Ephesians 3:1-13 Good News!

Eph 3:1-13

Before we get to look at today’s passage, I need to revisit something I said last week. In trying to help us understand how, if we are without Christ, we are out of God’s favour, his anger burns against us, he is at war with us, we are not part of his family and we are actually his enemies – now all that is true, but I said “God does not love us”. A friend of mine, and fellow pastor, Frode, reacted to this and said “that’s not true”.
And he was right. God is not us. When we are enemies with someone, we don’t love them. We hate them. But God. He is different, other, set apart, holy. He LOVES even his enemies. “Father, forgive them”, he cries, while dying for his enemies.

I went beyond the Bible in this. That’s why it’s so important to know your Bible, and to test everything – even what I say, especially what I say, against Scripture! God is not like us, so we can’t “fill in the blanks” of his character with ours. We must stick to what the Bible tells us about Him, not what we think we know about Him!

So, the gospel is that God is angry with us, hates our sin, hates our false religion, but loves us. Not because we are loveable – we are hateful, loathsome in his perfect holy eyes – but he STILL has compassion on us. He still loves us, and not a little love, but a love that carries him to be born as a human, carries him to the humiliation of the cross, a love that bears our sins and sets us free. What an awesome God we have!

That is why in today’s passage Paul says God gave me the special responsibility of extending his grace to you Gentiles. It is God’s grace that is extended to us. We Gentiles were outside, without God and without hope in the world. We were dead – but, by the grace of God, he has called dead men to life. Arise! By the power of the Spirit. Every Christian has this testimony, this deep knowledge, of the Spirit awakening them to new life, and keeping them awake, alive, by the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.

It is by grace. Undeserved favour.

What we deserve is hell: eternal separation from God. What we get is eternal relationship with Him. Hallelujah! Hooray for Jesus!

1. A prisoner for Christ (v1, 13)

2. To share the Good News

3. The church displays God’s wisdom

1. A prisoner for Christ

v1 When I think of all this, I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus for the benefit of you Gentiles …

A prisoner of Christ Jesus. In 6:20 he calls himself “An ambassador in chains”. Why?

Because he is literally in chains! He wrote this letter from jail, imprisoned for preaching the gospel (you can read the story in Acts 21ff). Being a Christian, particularly a Christian leader, brought no advantage at all in those days. People think of the power and wealth of the “church” today, particularly the Catholic Church, and think it has always been this way. “See, they made up everything to get power!” Duh, way to read history through your own culture. The fact is, being a Christian was a dangerous business. Still is in many parts of the world today. So why did the Apostles risk their lives? Because they knew it was true, because God had called them to this task, and because they belonged to him.

In many ways Paul is not just a prisoner for Christ Jesus (for preaching about him), but also of Christ Jesus (that is, he belongs to him, is owned by him).

What about you? Who do you belong to? Who are you chained to? Yourself? Dead idols? False religion? Other people? Satan? Or Jesus? Because only one is leading us to life everlasting. Bound to Jesus we will arise in the new Creation, eternally alive, eternally free!

13 So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honoured.

“ I am suffering for you” is a remarkable statement. But that’s what we do, as Christians. We are united in the church.
Here we are all of us having given up “our” time to spend time together. I have given up two days a week and a high paying job to serve you here. And it is a joy. Brothers and sisters around the world are giving up time, money, some even their bodies to be beaten, or paying with their lives in order to spread the Good News of freedom in Christ Jesus. This does not make us lose heart, but makes us brave, makes us bold. Our brothers in Syria, who bravely call for a day of prayer for their country – knowing this makes them a target for attack. They show that they believe Ephesians 1: that Christ is above all powers, above all things. In Him, we fear no darkness. They may take our bodies, but our lives, eternal, spiritual lives, are hidden with Christ, untouchable, safe.
Our brothers in Nigeria, beaten, threatened, their churches burned down – meet the next Sunday in the burned out wreckage to worship God. They show us the truth of Ephesians. God’s wisdom and power is seen in them. Their courage encourages us. Don’t lose heart. No, we should feel honoured.

7 By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News. 8 Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.

Paul understands the great position he has as God’s chosen Apostle to the Gentiles – the whole world! – is not because of him, but of the grace of God. He says he is the “least deserving”, remembering how he approved the death of Stephen, how he opposed Christianity and went around arresting Christians – all in the name of God, thinking he was serving God. Until Jesus met him and turned his life right side up! Paul sees the grace of God in being given the responsibility to tell people about Jesus.

And every one of us has such a role to play. Each of us has been given the grace of God to tell those around us of the endless treasures which are to be found in Christ. We carry on the Apostle’s work, together as God’s church proclaiming God’s great wisdom, this mystery now revealed: Christ is for everyone. Come and receive him.

I wonder if there is not a play on words in Paul’s mind as he writes “a prisoner of Christ Jesus”. Because we are bound to Christ, inescapably. The marvellous truth is, that only bound to Christ are we truly free! Let us share that good news with others.

2. To share the Good News

3 As I briefly wrote earlier, God himself revealed his mysterious plan to me. 4 As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. 5 God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets. 6 And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus.

Good news: access for all! Free for all. Both Jews and Gentiles. Remember last week, how we saw that as Gentiles we were excluded, outside, with no way in to God. But now, through Christ, he has opened the door, bridged the gap, flung wide the gate and says “come one, come all, the way is open, the price is paid. Come in to the Father and into the Son and rejoice, for your sins are forgiven, your debt is paid, and you are now set apart, holy, part of God’s family, a beloved child of God, ready to serve and honour and glorify God in everything you do and say.”

All this available in, and only in, Christ. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus.

5 God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets. The Book of Acts deals with this huge mind shift in the Jewish apostles, as they began to understand the wonders of God’s grace. The Holy Spirit comes visibly on both Jews and Gentiles. WE are the same. The Spirit shows Peter forbidden food, says eat. No says Peter. Spirit says “do not call unclean what I have made clean”. Gentiles made holy through the sprinkling of Christ’s blood, just like the Jews.

It is this which is the great revelation. That God has made the way, and the way is open to all. Note that it is revelation, not just knowledge. You can’t stumble upon it, you can’t find it by your own effors – God must reveal it. And who has he revealed it to? The holy apostles and prophets. That is, those who wrote the New Testament which is explaining and revealing the mysteries in the Old Testament. How can God forgive sinful people? Through Christ. How can the blood of animals take away people’s sin? Because they point to Christ, and as people trust God’s word by sacrificing animals, God takes their trust to the Cross. How can Israel be a light to the nations? Through Christ, the nations will come in with Israel to form the Church, the new Israel, the great One Man united in Christ. Christ is the revelation and the fulfilment of the Old Testament promises.

In Christ we enjoy the promise of blessings because [we] belong to Christ Jesus. Flip back to chapter 1. In Christ: 1:4 we are loved, holy, without fault, 5 adopted in God’s own family, brought (reconciled) to God, 6 grace is poured out on us, 7 our freedom is purchased, our sins are forgiven through his Son’s blood, 8 we have all wisdom and understanding (through the revelation of the gospel), 9 he has revealed his mysterious plan to us, 10 we are under his authority, 11 we have an inheritance, 13 we have the truth, 14 we are Gods own, we have the Holy Spirit. And so we do indeed want to praise and glorify him with pur whole lives, at every minute, with every breath: praise be to God.

What do we lack? Nothing! Don’t let anyone fool you by saying you need to move on from Christ, you need to claim this or that blessing, you need this secret knowledge which only we can give you, you need the Pope, you need our church, you need special clothes, and so on. The Bible tells us we need Christ. And he is sufficient. God has done everything for us. We are his children. So be his child! Listen to him, talk to him, trust him, obey him.

This is Good News, Good News to share with those we care about. And if you don’t care about those around you, pray that the Lord would give you his compassion and his love for the lost.

Paul was a prisoner for Christ, to tell the Good News. We belong to Christ, to tell the Good News. And as we do that – as we speak and live as Christian people, as we love each other and those around us, then we display God’s wisdom and glory.

3. The church displays God’s wisdom

And church here does not mean the building, even the magnificent cathedrals – no, “church” means the body of Christ, little old me and you, in our weakness – we are part of the Temple of God, a living breathing church joined together in the one Spirit, united in the one true Gospel, brothers and sisters together under one Father.

10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. 11 This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. 13 So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honoured.

The church displays his wisdom. Oh it may seem like foolishness to the world – but keeps growing. “The Church is dead!” has been proclaimed many times. It keeps growing. Stalin and Lenin, Chairman Mao, Ceaușescu – all tried to destroy the church. It kept growing.
In India, Pastor Udayachal is beaten severely for handing out gospel literature. In Kazakhstan churches are raided and shut down by police, and every church member fined two month’s salary. (North) Sudan has refused new licences to build churches, and is actively arresting and deporting Christians to the South. All this happened this year in April. And yet the church keeps growing.
There is no earthly reason why the church should have started, or should keep going. It is a ridiculous story about a man who claims to be God, then DIES, then supposedly comes back to life, choosing a bunch of fishermen to be his chief witnesses. They had no influence, no political power, no army, no protection. They were hated, beaten, attacked, rejected, and murdered wherever they went (read Acts). Yet the church grew. And keeps growing.
It is the power of God at work. His wisdom and glory on display. He reached me at the age of 20 in Drammen, of all places. He reached my Dad in Manchester age 19. He reached you, each of you, at different times and different places – some of you right here in Notodden, some of you through this church.

10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

Look around. Each of us here, if we belong to Christ, are trophies of grace, an eternal advert for the wisdom of God. We are now on display to the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places, and the demon’s jaws drop as they see you, yes, YOU, of all people, become part of God’s family; and me, yes, ME become citizen of heaven.

And here we are, joined together by God, a song of praise to him for all eternity, Glory to GOD! GLORY TO GOD!

One final point 12 Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.

What? Seriously?

Ever tried to get near to the Queen of England? Buckingham Palace has a massive fence around it, with armed guards posted at each entrance. There’s a huge courtyard, and then vast doors. Everything says – you are outside, you are other. You can’t wander up to the door and ring the doorbell and come in for a spot of tea!

But we can get in to God. And not slinking in the backdoor, peeping over someone’s shoulders - boldly and confidently!!!

What is it that keeps you from Him? Shame over sin? Thinking you are not good enough, that you need to try a little harder, do a little bit more, and then you’ll be acceptable to God? Dear friends, NO! We will never be acceptable to him – except through Christ. And if we are in Christ, well, then we are dressed in the finest robes of righteousness, with a royal crown upon our heads – His crown – and we can stride confidently and boldly into the throneroom of Heaven, covered by his righteousness, run up to our Heavenly Father.

You are covered, set free. This is the good news of the gospel, that Christ has saved us, and that we can belong to him. The Apostle Paul belonged to Jesus, and gave his life to share the Good News with the whole world. This Good News that anyone, without exception, can repent and turn to Christ, and become a new person, living now for Christ. And when you turn to Christ, you become part of the church – the great display of God’s wisdom and glory. Praise God for his goodness. You are a trophy of grace. Remember that, and be thankful. Amen.

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